New Mama & Baby Salve


All natural, all purpose salve! New Mama & Baby Salve is formulated for even the most sensitive newborn skin. Ideal for the skin ailments of little ones such as diaper rash, cradle cap, baby acne, and dry skin. Also excellent for soothing the nipples of nursing mothers. Infused with Calendula for healing and soothing properties. No essential oils added! Nourish your skin with ancestral wisdom. 

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  • Pasture-raised pork tallow is INCREDIBLY high in Vitamin D (twice as much as salmon or cod liver oil)!

    In addition to Vitamin D, E, A, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, pasture-raised pork tallow also contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Pork tallow from humanely & ethically raised hogs on our family farm in Iowa.

    Calendula promotes wound healing and prevents infections in wounds. In addition, studies have shown that it helps stimulate new skin growth, speeding up the healing process. Calendula’s petals are full of flavonoids, a naturally occurring plant compound, which help reduce the body’s swelling, pain, and inflammation. Calendula also contains carotenoids, an antioxidant that helps cells regenerate.

    It’s a proven botanical for people with eczema or dry skin. Calendula can help clear up diaper rash due to it’s anti fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. When used in a salve or lotion, it can help hydrate and protect your (and your baby’s!) skin from environmental damage.

  • Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. These fats helps moisturize the skin and act as occlusive moisturizers, which prevent water loss through the skin. Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties. It may help reduce skin inflammation, support wound healing, and aid in pain reduction in wounds.

  • Shea butter is a natural fat that comes from nuts from the shea tree.

    Shea butter contains components that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, such as triterpenes. These compounds aid in cell mitigation, collagen deposition, and cell proliferation.

    As an emollient, shea butter locks moisture into skin. Shea butter also contains linoleic acid, also called Omega-6 fatty acid.

  • Beeswax forms a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, protecting skin from environmental irritants and harsh weather. Beeswax is also a humectant, meaning it locks in moisture to prevent water loss, helping skin stay soft and hydrated.

    Beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and germicidal. These properties make a highly stable base ingredient, extending the product’s life.

    Beeswax has fantastic skin-softening properties and enhance skin’s elasticity, helping reduce the signs of aging. It’s also important to note that beeswax is particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin, as it’s very unlikely to cause skin irritation.