Frequently asked questions.

Have a question about our products, ordering, or shipping policy? See our FAQ below and don’t hesitate to contact us if your question is not answered.

We always recommend testing the product on a small patch of skin to ensure no allergies.  Please consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

These products have not been approved by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose or treat.

  • We use pork tallow because we’ve physically seen the difference it has made in our own skin and our family’s skin. It was the skincare of our ancestors, and they knew what they were doing!

    Pasture-raised pork tallow is INCREDIBLY high in Vitamin D (twice as much as salmon or cod liver oil). Pigs are extremely efficient at processing sunlight and storing it in their fat as Vitamin D. Pasture-raised pork tallow specifically has one of the highest Vitamin D densities in the world. When you apply pork tallow to your skin, you are absorbing that vitamin D into your own body.

    Our skin cell membrane is made up primarily of fatty acids, and pork tallow has the most similar fatty acid profile. Because of this, tallow products (including vitamins and fatty acids) are thoroughly absorbed, truly feeding your skin. No plant-based or synthetic skincare can in any way compare to tallow in how tallow nourishes and heals the skin - nor surprising since we are animals and not plants.

    Not only does tallow contain a natural vitamin D and other vitamins, but tallow also contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. It truly does NOURISH the skin in so many ways.

  • All of our pork tallow is from humanely raised hogs on our family farm. We are passionate about sustainability (it’s part of the reason we use the whole hog). We give our pigs the BEST lives - including lots of sunshine, pasture grazing, open air, and of course belly rubs :) We believe we are honoring the lives of the hogs we raise by using the WHOLE hog.

  • Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones. That's because your body can only absorb calcium, the primary component of bone, when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D also regulates many other cellular functions in your body. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties support immune health, muscle function and brain cell activity.

    Most people think of Vitamin D as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ and this is true! Our skin is also amazing at processing sunlight into just the right amount of Vitamin D that our body needs. We all know the sun contains UV rays, so most people apply sunscreen to protect them from burning, sun damage, and premature aging. Sunblock protects from UV rays, but also blocks our bodies from being able to process Vitamin D (up to 99%!) making it difficult for our body to process this crucial Vitamin.

    Researchers say as many as 40% of Americans have a Vitamin-D deficiency. Take care of your skin by nourishing it with this natural source.

  • Using a topical cream bypasses the gut and goes directly into your system. Most topical Vitamin D creams contain either synthetic Vitamin D or cod liver oil resulting in a fishy smell. As we mentioned, pasture-raised pork tallow has some of the world’s largest Vitamin D content - twice as much as cod liver oil… more than beef tallow, more than salmon.

    Our slow rendering process filters out any ‘meat’ smell leaving you to nourish your body with vitamins A, E, and D and Omega-3, 6, and 9 rich tallow - infused with essential oils and traditional herbal plants for additional benefits.The pH level of pork tallow is also almost the same as ours. Our skin is our largest organ - treat it with care by nurturing it with the best.

  • The daily maximum IU for Vitamin D is 4,000, but some sources say as high as 10,000 IU/day. Since our skin self-regulates how much Vitamin D it absorbs, it’s virtually impossible to receive too much Vitamin-D topically.

  • Tallow prefers a temperature that is not too hot, and not too cold. Extreme heat may cause tallow to melt, while freezing temperatures may cause tallow to lose its texture. We recommend storing your products in a cool, dark place. Our products are made without the use of preservatives, fillers, or harsh chemicals. In order to maximize product life, please avoid getting water in the jar. Pork tallow is shelf stable for 12 months, and up to 18 months when stored in the refrigerator.

  • Nope! Start with a small amount of product and let the warmth from your fingers melt it into your skin. Since our skin’s pH level is so similar to pork tallow, you’ll be surprised at how your skin readily accepts the product. Also, remember that a little will go a long way! Since our products contain no fillers, you only need a small amount to nourish your skin.

  • Because we use real herbs and medicinal flowers in our products, the color may change from batch to batch because of naturally occurring colors in petals and plants.

  • When you support a small business, you’re supporting someone’s dreams! Meadowlark Apothecary utilizes pork tallow from our small, veteran-owned farm and is a small, family operated business located near Adair, IA. We take pride in handcrafting our products in small batches with the very best ingredients.

    The name ‘Meadowlark’ comes from Heather’s childhood. As a child, she stayed often with her grandparents on the very same farm. Often, in the mornings, she’d hear meadowlarks while she laid in bed. The meadowlark call still brings a sense of fulfillment and love to this day.

  • We are not currently in any retail locations, but we’re always evaluating opportunities that will allow us to offer fair prices with the freshest and highest quality products available. For wholesale opportunities reach out to us at:

  • Absolutely! We are always formulating new pork tallow products infused with the power of plants. Join our email list for new product drops and sales!

  • Because we are a small business please allow 2-3 business days for products to ship after ordering. Once we have a tracking number, it will be sent to your email, so you’ll be able to track your package.

  • Yes! We offer free shipping on orders of $20 or more + option of free local pickup!

  • We understand that some things just don't work out! If you are unsatisfied with a product you selected for any reason, we are always happy to make recommendations for alternative products.

    If you would like to process a return or exchange, you may do so within 30 days of your purchase by emailing

    Refunds and/or exchanges are only offered for regularly-priced items; unfortunately, sale items cannot be refunded. Thanks for your understanding.