Calming Whipped Tallow Body Butter


Pork tallow contains fatty acids that help to moisturize and hydrate your skin. That means that tallow can kick dry skin to the curb! Our ancestral remedies soothe and restore even sensitive skin back to a healthy state. Each scent contains clean ingredients and essential oils thoughtfully chosen for their healing properties. Massage our body butter on just after a shower or bath for maximum effectiveness.

Calming aroma combines Essential Oils: Blue Tansy, organic Frankincense, organic Lavender, organic Lavandin, & Peppermint - carefully chosen to have a relaxing & soothing affect. The perfect bedtime lotion. Since Meadowlark Apothecary only uses all natural ingredients, our products are great for the whole family.

4 oz.

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  • Pasture-raised pork tallow is INCREDIBLY high in Vitamin D (twice as much as salmon or cod liver oil)!

    In addition to Vitamin D, E, A, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, pasture-raised pork tallow also contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Pork tallow from humanely & ethically raised hogs on our family farm in Iowa.

  • Argan oil is great for all skin types, including acne-prone.

    The majority of the fat content of argan oil comes from oleic (Omega-9) and linoleic (Omega-6) essential fatty acids.

    While linoleic acid can reduce inflammation and acne, and increase skin moisture; oleic acid can improve the skin’s permeability and assist other ingredients in permeating the skin more easily.

    Argan oil is also very high in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, & antioxidants.

  • Almond Oil contains:

    Vitamin A: The retinol in Vitamin A has the ability to stimulate the production of new skin cells and smooth fine lines.

    Vitamin E: This nutrient has antioxidant properties that may help prevent cell damage and help reduce UV damage to the skin caused by the sun.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These nutrients may help prevent premature aging and safeguard against sun damage.

    Zinc: This is an essential nutrient for healing scars.

  • Beeswax forms a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, protecting skin from environmental irritants and harsh weather. Beeswax is also a humectant, meaning it locks in moisture to prevent water loss, helping skin stay soft and hydrated.

    Beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and germicidal. These properties make a highly stable base ingredient, extending the product’s life.

    Beeswax has fantastic skin-softening properties and enhances skin’s elasticity, helping reduce the signs of aging. It’s also important to note that beeswax is particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin, as it’s very unlikely to cause skin irritation.

  • Arrowroot powder is added to produce a brightening, mattifying, and soothing affect. It helps to create a non-greasy end product which leaves the skin feeling smooth. Arrowroot powder is a soft, fine, odorless, versatile plant based powder. This all-natural absorbent powder also has skin-nourishing and anti-irritant properties.

  • Blue tansy has a sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma. Blue tansy essential oil actually comes from little yellow flowers in the chamomile family. The naturally-occurring blue color of the oil happens during the steam-distillation process, and comes from the occurring constituent, chamazulene, which helps moisturizes and is a powerful antioxidant.

    Blue tansy oil is packed with anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce inflammation, repair, and resolve swelling. It has antibacterial, antihistamine, and anti-fungal properties while supporting healthy circulation. It also helps to soften and smooth skin’s texture.

  • Frankincense essential oil has a deep, crisp, refreshing aroma. When Frankincense oil is a natural astringent and can cause skill cells to contract. This will not only lift the skin that is sagging, but is also a catalyst for skin cell regeneration.

    When inhaled, Frankincense Oil has been shown to reduce heart rate and high blood pressure. It is thought to work by stimulating the release of oxytocin, and reducing the levels of cortisol. Frankincense essential oil may also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can also help manage hormone levels.

  • Lavender essential oil is known to be rich in medicinal properties such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and as an antioxidant. Studies have shown lavender oil is can promote wound healing. It speeds up the rate of healing, increases the expression of collagen (which helps keep your skin elastic and joints healthy), and enhances the activity of proteins involved in rebuilding tissue.

    Another benefit of lavender is that it can calm without sedating. More than simply generating a serene state of mind, lavender can reduce anxiety by affecting the body’s fight-or-flight response.

  • A hybrid between Lavender and Spike Lavender, Lavandin’s aroma is sweet, fresh, and floral. The aroma is said to enhance mindfulness and relaxation. It’s slightly more camphorous and herbaceous than lavender, but has similar therapeutic properties.

    Because it’s high in camphor, lavandin can be more stimulating for blood flow which can provide comfort to aching joints and muscles. It also offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiviral properties.

    Lavandin essential oil is great for insomnia, jet lag, and other issues that disrupt the circadian rhythm.

  • Peppermint oil has been used for health purposes for thousands of years. Records have shown ancient civilizations in Greece, Rome, and Egypt mention it’s use for digestion disorders as well as other conditions.

    In aromatherapy it’s used for treating coughs, the common cold, reducing pain, reducing stress, headaches, and improving mental function. When applied topically, it’s also great for headaches, muscle aches, and joint pain.