Tattoo Balm


Soothing aftercare balm. With the healing blend of Calendula, Goldenrod, and Comfrey Root this is a great balm for new or existing tattoos, or any dry or sensitive skin. Tallow helps restore your skin’s natural barrier making body art look vibrant and fresh. Enjoy our essential oil blend reminiscent to the smell of green soap.

2 oz.

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  • Pasture-raised pork tallow is INCREDIBLY high in Vitamin D (twice as much as salmon or cod liver oil)!

    In addition to Vitamin D, E, A, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, pasture-raised pork tallow also contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Pork tallow from humanely & ethically raised hogs on our family farm in Iowa.

  • Beeswax forms a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, protecting skin from environmental irritants and harsh weather. Beeswax is also a humectant, meaning it locks in moisture to prevent water loss, helping skin stay soft and hydrated.

    Beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and germicidal. These properties make a highly stable base ingredient, extending the product’s life.

    Beeswax has fantastic skin-softening properties and enhance skin’s elasticity, helping reduce the signs of aging. It’s also important to note that beeswax is particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin, as it’s very unlikely to cause skin irritation.

  • Almond Oil contains:

    Vitamin A: The retinol in Vitamin A has the ability to stimulate the production of new skin cells and smooth fine lines.

    Vitamin E: This nutrient has antioxidant properties that may help prevent cell damage and help reduce UV damage to the skin caused by the sun.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These nutrients may help prevent premature aging and safeguard against sun damage.

    Zinc: This is an essential nutrient for healing scars.

  • Shea butter is a natural fat that comes from nuts from the shea tree.

    Shea butter contains components that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, such as triterpenes. These compounds aid in cell mitigation, collagen deposition, and cell proliferation.

    As an emollient, shea butter locks moisture into skin. Shea butter also contains linoleic acid, also called Omega-6 fatty acid.

  • Calendula promotes wound healing and prevents infections in wounds. In addition, studies have shown that it helps stimulate new skin growth, speeding up the healing process. Calendula’s petals are full of flavonoids, a naturally occurring plant compound, which help reduce the body’s swelling, pain, and inflammation. Calendula also contains carotenoids, an antioxidant that helps cells regenerate.

    Calendula can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The compounds in the flower help protect your body from oxidative stress (a major contributing factor to premature aging).

    It’s a proven botanical for people with eczema or dry skin. Calendula has anti fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. When used in a salve or lotion, it can help hydrate and protect your skin from environmental damage.

  • Antioxidants are key to staying healthy as you age. Goldenrod is full of antioxidants with concentrations ranging as high as seven times that of green tea.

    One of the most powerful benefits of goldenrod is its ability to reduce inflammation and pain. Native Americans historically used it for wounds, burns, and sores.

  • Scientific research shows that chlorophyll helps to rejuvenate old cells and promote the growth of new cells. This action with comfrey’s allantoin properties provide us with a powerful herb.

    Allantoin is one thing that makes comfrey unique. Allantoin is also produced the allantois gland of the umbilical cord for promoting rapid cell growth. Allantoin is also a leucocytosis promoter (increases white blood cells) that help establish immunity from infections.

    Studies in Europe show it’s effectiveness in treating eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and viral skin infections.

  • Frankincense essential oil has a deep, crisp, refreshing aroma. Frankincense oil is a natural astringent and can cause skin cells to contract. This will not only lift the skin that is sagging, but is also a catalyst for skin cell regeneration.

    When inhaled, Frankincense Oil has been shown to reduce heart rate and high blood pressure. It is thought to work by stimulating the release of oxytocin, and reducing the levels of cortisol. Frankincense essential oil may also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can also help manage hormone levels.

  • Chamomile essential oil is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds which give it calming and healing properties. Chamomile oil can help reduce swelling and redness in the skin, often associated with acne, eczema, and other skin conditions. In aromatherapy, it’s said to: reduce anxiety and stress, ease muscle tension, and promote sleep.

  • Lavender essential oil is known to be rich in medicinal properties such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and as an antioxidant. Studies have shown lavender oil can promote wound healing. It speeds up the rate of healing, increases the expression of collagen (which helps keep your skin elastic and joints healthy), and enhances the activity of proteins involved in rebuilding tissue.

    Another benefit of lavender is that it can calm without sedating. More than simply generating a serene state of mind, lavender can reduce anxiety by affecting the body’s fight-or-flight response.