Bliss Whipped Hand Cream


Everything you love about our Whipped Tallow Body Butter, now for your hands! Our NEW Whipped Hand Cream is formulated with Shea Butter and Castor Oil additionally to soothe and moisturize dry, chapped, or hard-working hands. Bliss aroma combines organic Geranium, Tangerine, & Benzoin (vanilla) essential oils for a beautiful scent that is sweet, fruity, and floral.

2 Oz.

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  • Pasture-raised pork tallow is INCREDIBLY high in Vitamin D (twice as much as salmon or cod liver oil)!

    In addition to Vitamin D, E, A, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, pasture-raised pork tallow also contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Pork tallow from humanely & ethically raised hogs on our family farm in Iowa.

  • Almond Oil contains:

    Vitamin A: The retinol in Vitamin A has the ability to stimulate the production of new skin cells and smooth fine lines.

    Vitamin E: This nutrient has antioxidant properties that may help prevent cell damage and help reduce UV damage to the skin caused by the sun.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These nutrients may help prevent premature aging and safeguard against sun damage.

    Zinc: This is an essential nutrient for healing scars.

  • Shea butter is a natural fat that comes from nuts from the shea tree.

    Shea butter contains components that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, such as triterpenes. These compounds aid in cell mitigation, collagen deposition, and cell proliferation.

    As an emollient, shea butter locks moisture into skin. Shea butter also contains linoleic acid, also called Omega-6 fatty acid.

  • Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. These fats helps moisturize the skin and act as occlusive moisturizers, which prevent water loss through the skin. Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties. It may help reduce skin inflammation, support wound healing, and aid in pain reduction in wounds.

  • Beeswax forms a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, protecting skin from environmental irritants and harsh weather. Beeswax is also a humectant, meaning it locks in moisture to prevent water loss, helping skin stay soft and hydrated.

    Beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and germicidal. These properties make a highly stable base ingredient, extending the product’s life.

    Beeswax has fantastic skin-softening properties and enhance skin’s elasticity, helping reduce the signs of aging. It’s also important to note that beeswax is particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin, as it’s very unlikely to cause skin irritation.

  • Arrowroot powder is added to produce a brightening, mattifying, and soothing affect. It helps to create a non-greasy end product which leaves the skin feeling smooth. Arrowroot powder is a soft, fine, odorless, versatile plant based powder. This all-natural absorbent powder also has skin-nourishing and anti-irritant properties.

  • In aromatherapy, geranium oil is used to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and tension; while enhancing concentration, improving cognitive function, and balancing the emotions.

    When used topically, geranium essential oil is known for eliminating dead skin cells, tightening the skin, promoting regeneration of skin cells, and diminishing the signs of aging. it also works well as an anti-inflammatory and anti-septic agent. Geranium oil is reputed to enhance circulation, soothe symptoms of menstruation and menopause, and boost immunity.

  • Tangerine essential oil smells like sunshine in a bottle. The crisp, bright, fruity aroma promotes a happy mood, reduces stress, and helps you feel motivated.

    Tangerine essential oil has antiseptic properties, which are highly beneficial to the skin. It also has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and powerful antioxidant properties.

  • Benzoin essential oil is often called vanilla essential oil because of it’s sweet, warm, rich aroma.

    In aromatherapy, benzoin essential oil is known to alleviate stress while promoting positive thinking, and having an uplifting effect on the body and mind.

    Benzoin oil also has astringent, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.